How many pictures will we receive?

It depends on the package that you choose. Currently, I offer a variety of packages based on the services that you are interested in having.

How should we dress for our family session?

I recommend solid colors. If you’re going to do patterns, keep them subtle, and in small doses. The point of family pictures is for your beautiful faces to show, so don’t let them be overpowered by large, loud patterns or even loud colors.

Also play with layers like vests, jackets, or sweaters (stay away from scarves cause they’ll get in the way and look bulky in photos!), or tall socks under boots, so you have more opportunity for incorporating your colors and adding texture and dimension. Your outfits will feel more complete if everyone’s in something more than just bottoms and a top.

And can I recommend one more thing? Try to keep the outfits as classic as you can. Obviously this is a personal choice, but staying away from super trendy pieces will help your pictures stand the test of time.

What’s the best time to have a session with a newborn?

The best time for newborn photos is between 7 and 10 days after birth. Can you do it later, yes,

Remember photographing a baby takes time and patience. The baby is more cooperative younger, but still beautifully captured at an older age.

Do you travel?

Yes, I travel up to 45 miles from Alexandria, VA without a fee. Any distance farther than 45 miles from Alexandria, VA there will be a 1.33 per mile charge.

Do you retouch photos?

All images are edited very lightly. Slight retouches are done such as wisping hair, pimples, etc.

Any requested retouching there will be a charge of $45.00 per image. These retouches include, but not limited to, removing wrinkles from clothes, altering size of people, and eye direction.

How do we get our photos?

Within 2 - 3 weeks you will receive a digital gallery of your images. From this gallery you will be able to download, print and/or share to social media.

How long is your turn around time?

You will receive a sneak peek of your images 24 hours of the session and they will be posted to my Facebook page. Currently, the remainder of the images will be delivered via digital gallery within 2-3 weeks.

Do you offer a Military or First Responder's discount?

The discount varies from package to package. Active duty, retired military, First Responders and teachers are eligible for discount. This can range from print discount, package discount or both. Please ask prior to scheduling.

EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 2023 this discount will be 10% for all packages, if requested prior to contract.

How do we contact you?

Great question! You can contact me here by using the contact form, you may email at info@patriciazyzyk.com or text/call at 571-232-8680

What to wear for a maternity session?

Both timeless and versatile, long dresses are one of the most flattering choices for maternity photo shoots. Not only are they incredibly comfortable, but they photograph beautifully as well. A maternity gown that drapes all the way to the floor will give you the option to cover up and still capture the beauty of your new shape. Fitted maternity dresses are another classic to consider for maternity portraits. They will show off your pregnancy curves and at the same time keep the attention drawn to your adorable baby bump.

As for colors, I recommend neutral colors; white cream, beige, and pastels.

I'd love to hear any questions you may have

Please take a moment and review my FAQ listed above, however, if you have additional questions, do not hesitate to reach out to me to discuss further. I am here to make your photo session easy and stress free. I would much prefer that we get all the questions out up front vs having them slow down the session itself.

Extended family maternity image with 4 people along the beach in Leesylvania State Park, Virginia in northern VIrginia

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Let's work together.


3420 Little Hunting Creek Dr.

Alexandria, VA. 22309





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